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httpYac provides a system to provide a simple way to create, execute, and store information about HTTP requests:

  • VS Code extension to create and execute requests
  • CLI application to allow CI to use created http requests for testing
  • httpBook for documentation of requests in a Jupyter Notebook Format

The goal is to create a simple, free and extensible development tool that follows known standards if possible. For example, for the description language of the requests, the specification mostly repeats RFC 7230 with several extensions intended for easier requests composing and editing.


  • CLI:
npm install -g httpyac
# OR
yarn global add httpyac
  • VSCode Extension

Visual Studio Marketplace Version

code --install-extension anweber.vscode-httpyac
  • VSCode Notebook Extension

Visual Studio Marketplace Version

code --install-extension anweber.httpbook
  • Docker
alias httpyac="docker run -it -v ${PWD}:/data"
httpyac --help

Feature comparisons

FeaturehttpYacPostmanRest ClientIntellij Idea
Send Request and View
-- Rest
-- GraphQL-
-- gRPC--
Variable support
Custom Scripting support- (pull request)partially
Test/ Assert Response- (pull request)
Authorization supportpartially (no custom auth flow)-
-- OAuth2/ OpenId Connect--
-- AWS Signature v4-
-- Basic Authentication
-- Digest Authentication
-- SSL Client Certificate-
-- Custom Authentication--
Code Generation-
Built-in Preview Support (Image, PDF, ...)-✓ (only Image)-
Share workspacepaywall
extensible/ plugin supportpartially--
cli support--